A couple years ago, one of my friends said she focuses on a Word of the Year instead of making a resolution. I thought that made sense, and adopted the practice myself. For 2020, my word was “Wellness.” Well, you can guess how that went over. Like many of us, I was scared stiff the first quarter of the year, then managed to upgrade to bouts of unease and worry, so my mental health suffered. And stress baking wasn’t good for my waistline. At least my focus word helped me remember not to judge myself too harshly.
Since I struggled with that concept, I kept “Wellness” as my Word of the Year for 2021. I did a little better this time around, eating more healthy foods, participating in virtual yoga classes, and so on. I still have bad days, but my mental health is better. I am proud of how well I did, considering the year we had. But it’s time to move on to another focus.
A noun worked for me before. This time, for 2022, I’m choosing a verb: “Ask.” I plan to use it in a couple different ways:
First, when I am talking with someone, I want to ask more questions. Asking and really listening to answers will help me get to know people better. Perhaps more importantly at this time in history, asking questions will help me make fewer assumptions about what people mean and why they think or feel certain ways. I hope that will lead to deeper conversations and even allow me to reveal and correct any misinformation that my friends and family have taken as fact. We all need to do our part to keep our democratic society safe.
Second, I have known for a while that I am more comfortable giving help than receiving it. This year, I vow to ask for help more often. Instead of wallowing in too many projects, I’ll delegate and ask someone to take on a task. Instead of feeling isolated, I’ll reach out to someone and ask for a chat or a lunch date. (Assuming we can do lunches in 2022!) That will hopefully change my self-image from “super-woman” to “real human being” and enhance my wellness in the process.
If this idea resonates with you, I encourage you to choose a Word for the Year for yourself. Heck, you can share one of mine if it works for you. Or maybe you like the idea of balance, joy, persevere, revive…. There are a zillion words possible, and no wrong answers!
However you approach 2022, I wish you a joyous, peaceful year with your loved ones. Take care of yourself. And please feel free to keep in touch if that’s helpful! I’ll be pulling for you. You’re not alone.