I have been a library person all my life. My parents raised me to be a voracious reader, and the library has always been a big part of my routine. Libraries are awesome. Librarians are wonderful people who serve their communities.
I’m proud to know many Alaskan librarians. In the last few years, I’ve volunteered at my local library’s teen writing program and for our state library conference. My activities are all online this year, but I’m still glad I can help out.
The AkLA (Alaska Library Association) virtual conference is this week, March 18-20! We’ll have lots of great speakers and discussions on Zoom. There’s also a fabulous Silent Auction if you’re looking for bookish or Alaskan gifts, or just want to donate to a good cause. All are welcome!
See our conference website at https://akla.org/2021/
Hope to see you there!